Our Growing Practices

  • Certified Organic, GMO-Free

    We never use synthetic pesticides or herbicides and we abide by a long list of requirements in order to hold USDA Organic certification. No GMOs or “bioengineered” crops here.

  • Unique Varieties

    We grow veggies you won’t find in the grocery store. Our varieties are more beautiful, more flavorful, and make cooking more fun and rewarding.

  • Gentle on Soil

    We limit tillage to protect microorganisms underground, and we utilize techniques like crop rotations and cover cropping to keep our soil healthy. We’re close to the Colorado River, so we work hard to prevent erosion.

  • Naturally Healthy

    Our farming practices keep bugs and disease away naturally, so you get produce that’s vibrant and beautiful.

  • Handled with Care

    After harvest, we get our crops out of the heat and into cold storage ASAP. The result is fresher produce that lasts longer in your fridge.

  • Safe for Wildlife

    We purposefully provide places on our farm for native flora and fauna to thrive.